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Schema Organization and Namespaces

Common Data Types

String Values

URI Values

Time Values

ID and ID Reference Values


SAML Protocols

SAML Assertions


SAML Versioning

SAML and XML Signature Syntax and Processing

SAML and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing

SAML Extensibility

SAML-Defined Identifiers



1 Introduction
1.1 Notation
1.2 Schema Organization and Namespaces

1.3 Common Data Types
1.3.1 String Values
1.3.2 URI Values
1.3.3 Time Values
1.3.4 ID and ID Reference Values

4 SAML Versioning

4.1 SAML Specification Set Version
4.1.1 Schema Version
4.1.2 SAML Assertion Version
4.1.3 SAML Protocol Version Request Version Response Version Permissible Version Combinations

4.2 SAML Namespace Version
4.2.1 Schema Evolution

5 SAML and XML Signature Syntax and Processing

5.1 Signing Assertions
5.2 Request/Response Signing
5.3 Signature Inheritance

5.4 XML Signature Profile
5.4.1 Signing Formats and Algorithms
5.4.2 References
5.4.3 Canonicalization Method
5.4.4 Transforms
5.4.5 KeyInfo
5.4.6 Example

6 SAML and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing
6.1 General Considerations
6.2 Combining Signatures and Encryption

7 SAML Extensibility

7.1 Schema Extension
7.1.1 Assertion Schema Extension
7.1.2 Protocol Schema Extension

7.2 Schema Wildcard Extension Points
7.2.1 Assertion Extension Points
7.2.2 Protocol Extension Points

7.3 Identifier Extension

8 SAML-Defined Identifiers

8.1 Action Namespace Identifiers
8.1.1 Read/Write/Execute/Delete/Control
8.1.2 Read/Write/Execute/Delete/Control with Negation
8.1.3 Get/Head/Put/Post
8.1.4 UNIX File Permissions

8.2 Attribute Name Format Identifiers
8.2.1 Unspecified
8.2.2 URI Reference
8.2.3 Basic

8.3 Name Identifier Format Identifiers
8.3.1 Unspecified
8.3.2 Email Address
8.3.3 X.509 Subject Name
8.3.4 Windows Domain Qualified Name
8.3.5 Kerberos Principal Name
8.3.6 Entity Identifier
8.3.7 Persistent Identifier
8.3.8 Transient Identifier

8.4 Consent Identifiers
8.4.1 Unspecified
8.4.2 Obtained
8.4.3 Prior
8.4.4 Implicit
8.4.5 Explicit
8.4.6 Unavailable
8.4.7 Inapplicable

9 References

9.1 Normative References
9.2 Non-Normative References

Appendix A. Acknowledgments
Appendix B. Notices

Tags: :IT国際標準, :認証基盤, :クレームベース認証, :SAML

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