「[[マイクロソフト系技術情報 Wiki>http://techinfoofmicrosofttech.osscons.jp/]]」は、「[[Open棟梁Project>https://github.com/OpenTouryoProject/]]」,「[[OSSコンソーシアム .NET開発基盤部会>https://www.osscons.jp/dotNetDevelopmentInfrastructure/]]」によって運営されています。

-[[戻る>SAML Core]]

* 目次 [#b7ff7950]

*概要 [#od786447]
-ターゲットはSP Initiated な Web Browser SSO Profileに絞る。
-ココに書いた情報は、SAML の Coreの範囲。

*以下、詳細 [#bd4130cf]

*SAML and XML Signature Syntax and Processing [#bb2055db]



--S/MIME や signed Java objectsを使用してもイイ。

*SAML and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing [#oc8fd513]

**Signing Assertions [#e98a4c95]
**Request/Response Signing [#ka26038e]
**Signature Inheritance [#x48b34de]

**XML Signature Profile [#tc3624d9]
***Signing Formats and Algorithms [#z8b6077b]
***References [#y219f1b4]
***Canonicalization Method [#w050ddac]
***Transforms [#bb86899e]
***KeyInfo [#bb995ac4]
***Example [#b06d585d]

**General Considerations [#cf1c26cc]
**Combining Signatures and Encryption [#k7c99ad2]

*参考 [#c0a32684]

 5 SAML and XML Signature Syntax and Processing
 5.1 Signing Assertions
 5.2 Request/Response Signing
 5.3 Signature Inheritance
 5.4 XML Signature Profile
 5.4.1 Signing Formats and Algorithms
 5.4.2 References
 5.4.3 Canonicalization Method
 5.4.4 Transforms
 5.4.5 KeyInfo
 5.4.6 Example
 6 SAML and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing
 6.1 General Considerations
 6.2 Combining Signatures and Encryption

Tags: [[:IT国際標準]], [[:認証基盤]], [[:クレームベース認証]], [[:SAML]]

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